
What Do You Need To Register A Dba In Ri

How to Register a DBA in Rhode Island

Image of a man searching how to file a D B A online.

Filing aRhode Island DBA (doing business every bit), also known as afictitious concern name , is a simple procedure and it's done with theRhode Isle Department of Stateand at themetropolis level.

A DBA won't protect your personal assets. Forming an LLC is the all-time choice for almost small businesses. Acquire more in our DBA vs LLC guide.

Larn How to Register a DBA in Rhode Island  yourself. Cull your concern structure to get started:

  • Register Your RI DBA With The State
    All Rhode Island DBAs must be registered with Rhode Island Secretary of State.
  • Check For RI DBA Rules With The City Where You Do Business concern
    Depending on where your company does business, you lot may be required to annals your RI DBA with the city.

Or, utilize a professional DBA service:

four point eight out of five stars MyCompanyWorks ($99 + state fee)

four point five out of five stars Swyft Filings ($99 + state fee)

Filing a Rhode Island DBA with the State

All businesses operating under a name other than their legal name must file their DBA with the Rhode Isle Section of Land.

Pace 1: Offset With a Rhode Island DBA Proper name Search

If you oasis't already, caput over to the Rhode Island Department of State website to make sure your name isn't taken by— or too similar to— another registered Rhode Isle business.

TIP: Our business organization proper name generator tool is a great resource for entrepreneurs who are nonetheless working to create the perfect business organization name or website accost. You can besides utilise our complimentary logo generator tool to make a logo yourself! No design experience necessary!

Make sure your name complies with Rhode Island naming rules:

  • Your name cannot include words that could confuse your business organisation with a government agency (FBI, Treasury, State Department, etc.).
  • Restricted words (e.thousand. Bank, Attorney, Academy) may require additional paperwork and a licensed individual, such equally a dr. or lawyer, to be role of your business concern.
  • Learn more than virtually Rhode Isle naming guidelines here.

Next, a quick search on the U.South. Trademark Electronic Search System will tell yous whether someone else has already trademarked your name.

At present would be the perfect time to make sure there's a web domain available for your DBA also.

If you lot need extra guidance with naming your business organisation, we tin can help.

Notice a Domain Now

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After registering a domain proper name for your DBA, consider using a business phone service to improve customer satisfaction and further constitute brownie. Our top selection is Nextiva because of its affordable pricing and useful features. Start calling with Nextiva.

Step 2: Register Your Rhode Island DBA

If your business is operating under a proper name other than its legal name, you lot are required to file your DBA with the Rhode Isle Department of State.

Yous can file online or print a copy of the fictitious business name argument.

  • Fictitious Business Name Statement for Corporations
  • Fictitious Business Proper name Statement for LLCs
  • Fictitious Business Name Statement for LPs

The application volition ask for your new DBA name and information about your business concern, such as:

  • The legal name of the business
  • Entity ID number
  • Date and location of incorporation
  • Clarification of the business

A DBA does not offer any protection for your personal assets in the event that your business organisation is sued. For more information on setting up a express liability company, visit our How to Course an LLC page and select your state.

Submit Your Fictitious Business Name Statement


Division of Business Services
148 W. River Street
Providence, RI, 02904-2615

Payment and Fees


  • $50 Filing Fee


The fee is payable either in person via greenbacks, credit card, or check at the Business Services Division, or by mail to the Business organisation Services Sectionalisation via check made payable to R.I. Department of State.

Manage Your Rhode Island DBA

DBA Questions

Call the Rhode Isle Department of Land: (401) 222-3040

Renew Your DBA with the Land

Your fictitious business name statement does not expire.

Change Your DBA

To modify your DBA, y'all need to file a new registration form.

Withdraw Your DBA

Yous tin can withdraw your DBA by filing a statement of abandonment of utilise of a fictitious name form. Y'all tin can also do this online. The fee is $50.

  • Form for Corporations
  • Form for LLCs

Filing a Rhode Isle DBA in the City where yous exercise Business organisation

Depending on where your company does business, you may be required to register a fictitious or trade name with the city. Check with your local city clerk'due south office virtually its item requirements.

Step i: Start With a Rhode Island DBA Name Search

If you oasis't already, caput over to the Rhode Island Department of State website to brand sure your proper name isn't taken past— or too similar to— another registered Rhode Island business.

TIP: Our business name generator tool is a great resource for entrepreneurs who are still working to create the perfect concern name or website address.

Make certain your name complies with Rhode Island naming rules:

  • Your name cannot include words that could confuse your business with a government agency (FBI, Treasury, State Section, etc.).
  • Restricted words (e.yard. Bank, Attorney, Academy) may require boosted paperwork and a licensed private, such every bit a doctor or lawyer, to be part of your business.
  • Acquire more near Rhode Island naming guidelines here.

Next, a quick search on the U.S. Trademark Electronic Search Arrangement will tell you lot whether someone else has already trademarked your name.

Now would be the perfect fourth dimension to brand sure there's a spider web domain available for your DBA as well.

If yous need extra guidance with naming your concern, we tin help.

Find a Domain Now

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Stride 2: Register Your Rhode Island DBA with the City Clerk

We will give you footstep-by-step directions to become a City of Providence DBA. Providence requires any business with an accost in the city that is operating under a name other than its legal name to file for an causeless concern name.

If you need to file in a different city than Providence, you'll have to go in touch with the city clerk for instructions. You tin can observe your counties' contact information here.

How to File a City of Providence DBA

At this indicate, you lot should've already chosen a proper noun for your business and completed the name searches in Step one above.

Providence suggests searching their trade proper name records before yous get-go the DBA filing process. You can search that database online.


  • Document of Causeless Business organisation Name

Submit Your Certificate of Assumed Business concern Name

Providence City Hall
25 Dorrance Street
Room 311


  • $10 Filing Fee
  • $0.50 Notarization Fee (per owner) if the form is non already notarized

Manage Your City of Providence DBA

DBA Questions

Contact the Providence Urban center Clerk: 401.680.5248.

Renew Your DBA

Your assumed name does not expire.

Change Your DBA

You volition need to file a new registration to change your assumed name.

Withdraw Your DBA

Contact the Providence Metropolis Clerk: 401.680.5248.

Need Help Filing Your RI DBA?

Accept A Professional Service File Your RI DBA For Yous

A professional person service will handle filing your DBA on your behalf, allowing you to focus on the other needs of your new business.

We recommend using MyCompanyWorks ($99 + state fee) for a personalized DBA service.

Rhode Island DBA FAQ

Tin can I file a DBA online in Rhode Island?

Yous can file for a Rhode Island DBA at the land'south Business Services Online Filing System website.

How exercise I alter my DBA in Rhode Island?

To alter your DBA, y'all will demand to complete a new registration.

For most changes, visit the County Clerk's function to complete an amendment class and pay a filing fee. Contact your city clerk for city-specific instructions for changing your DBA at the city level.

How can I insure my Rhode Island DBA?

DBAs don't require insurance because DBAs aren't a business entity. However, the business organisation entity that the DBA is under volition demand protection from losses that can happen naturally in the grade of business, such as property damage or lawsuits.

Nosotros recommend Commercial Insurance because they provide coverage for a big variety of businesses. Get a free quote from Commercial Insurance or call 855-602-1925 to acquire more.

How Can I Withdraw my DBA?

You can withdraw your state DBA by filing a statement of abandonment of the use of a fictitious name form. Y'all can besides do this online. The fee is $fifty.

Contact your city clerk for city-specific instructions for withdrawing your DBA.

How often should I renew my Rhode Isle DBA?

Your Rhode Island DBA doesn't have to be renewed.

When is a DBA required in Rhode Island?

A state DBA is required whenever a business organization is operating under a name other than its legal name. Contact your local city clerk's office for regulations regarding DBAs at the city level.

How do I transfer my DBA in Rhode Isle?

You tin can make amendments to the owner names on your land DBA registration form by filing a certificate of correction.

How many DBAs can I have?

You tin accept as many DBAs equally you can afford to create and are able to keep track of. Yet, more isn't necessarily improve. Each one volition come with additional incremental expense and paperwork, and so you volition want to make sure you accept a adept reason for each one you take.

Tin a DBA get an EIN or Tax ID?

DBAs aren't required to take a split EIN because DBAs aren't a business entity. The business organization entity that the DBA is under would have an EIN if an EIN is required.

To larn more about EINs and when y'all would need 1 for your business organisation, read What is an EIN from our friends at TRUiC.

Tin a DBA become an LLC?

Your DBA is just a name. A DBA is oft dislocated with a sole proprietorship. If you mean "tin my sole proprietorship go an LLC?" then the respond is "Yes. Absolutely."

To learn how to class an LLC, visit our Grade an LLC state guides.

Tin a DBA accept "Inc." in the name?

A DBA can only have "Inc." in the proper name if the business entity the DBA is attached to is a corporation.

How do I set up a DBA for a rental property?

It's always best to consult an attorney. Commonly, the best option is to grade an LLC to protect your personal avails in the result of an issue with the rental property. Holding the rental holding in your name and with a DBA will not afford you any protection.

Is my DBA protected from being used in other places?

There are some state-level laws that foreclose DBAs that are too similar to existing ones from being used, but this varies from country to state. It is possible to trademark a DBA, which would offer stronger protection beyond country lines.

Rhode Island Business Resources

What Do You Need To Register A Dba In Ri,


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