
How Soon To Register For Mcat

Knowing when to register for the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) exam is a catchy matter. Yous need to be wise because it is an expensive test ($320) and is only administered around 20 times per yr. It also takes careful planning because information technology costs an additional $95-$165 to change a test heart or reschedule the test. You lot should as well have an MCAT study schedule planned before you register. If y'all are planning to take the MCAT in 2022 y'all can find the dates here.

Here are some general things yous should know before you register for the MCAT:

1. You desire to register as presently as yous can.

You lot want to register months in advance because seats fill up up quickly. Sometimes registering 2 or 3 months in advance may non be early enough to get the examination date and location you originally hoped for. There are two time periods when MCAT registration opens: Oct and February. The registration in Oct is for tests that are administered from January to May. The registration in February is for tests that are administered from June to September. If you know yous are going to take the examination in May, don't take any risks, sign up as presently as registration opens in October. The aforementioned goes for the February registration.

2. You should complete your pre-requisite courses for medical schoolhouse before the examination.

Generally, for medical school, you need to take taken iii-4 semesters of biology (including genetics), 2 semesters of full general chemistry, i-2 semesters of organic chemistry, 1 semester of biochemistry, 1 semester of introductory psychology, 1 semester of introductory sociology, and 2 semesters of physics. You should attempt to complete these classes before you accept the MCAT so that the textile on the exam is review rather than new to you. If you haven't completed all of the necessary classes before studying for the MCAT, it's possible to learn new content every bit you go merely this means your written report flow should be long plenty to accommodate learning new material.

3. It is much easier to study and take the examination during the summertime than the schoolhouse year.

This seems rather obvious simply poor planning could really hurt you lot in this surface area. Studying for the MCAT while you're taking classes for school requires tremendous discipline and is very difficult to practise. Considering the MCAT is such a large undertaking, reducing other academic and not-academic obligations is strongly recommended. The breadth of content that is tested often requires students to take 3 years of total-time classes in order to complete. This is why the most pop time to take the MCAT is during the summer after junior year. If you want to take the examination in the summer, sign upwards every bit soon as registration opens in February.

Photo of Edward Chang

Edward Chang is the Co-founder and Director of Operations of He graduated from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and is currently a urology resident at the University of Washington. He also attended UCLA as an undergraduate, graduating with a major in Molecular, Prison cell, and Developmental Biology. If you are interested in contributing to, please contact him at [email protected] Follow him on Twitter @EdwardChangMD and Prospective Doctor @ProspectiveDr.

How Soon To Register For Mcat,


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